Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 25th

23 things - the end or is it just the beginning?

Although my blogging efforts would suggest otherwise, I have been to and 'fiddled' within all sites listed in 23 things. Like most of the other participants there were some sites and activities I just loved and others I loathed. The social networking sites were approached with caution, why? well....... the bad press some these sites receive, old-fashionedness (is that even a word?) and perhaps a fear of being caught up in the hype and finding myself wasting away in front of a computer, IPad or some such thing!

I feel the biggest advantage to having participated in 23 things is the awareness it brings. When working through the program it is not always immediately evident how and when you will use this in your day-to-day working life but it gives you a heads up about what is available if and when the need arises.

Of course what was experienced in this program is just the tip of the iceberg and there are many more useful applications to be discovered.

Lifelong learning - ain't it grand!

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